With the emergence of the first cases of the COVID-19 pandemic in our country, Kosovo health institutions were faced with a lack of sanitary means, especially medical alcohol. Seeing this aggravated situation with supplies in the public system, the management of the company “Balkan Petroll” urgently redirected a production line, to help 17 health institutions of Kosovo with a donation of over 6 thousand liters of medical ethanol (96%).
At the time of the extreme lack of alcohol in Kosovo, this donation of “Balkan Petrol” enabled fresh supplies to the University Clinical Center of Kosovo, and MFMCs in Prizren, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Viti, Gjakova, Suhareka, Malisheva, Vushtrri, Peja, Kamenica, Rahovec, Kaçanik, Han i Elezit, Podujevë, Skenderaj and Mitrovica.
The donation from “Ballkan Petrol” was distributed in coordination with the Ministry of Health of Kosovo, while sanitary alcohol was formulated according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).